

五十嵐 宇晴

Postdoctoral Research Assistant
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Purdue University

SpaceArchitect.org Member Profile


extraterrestrial construction | space architecture | multi-planetary anthroposphere
system safety | sociotechnical system | system planning & design | systems engineering
architectural design | building ecology | sustainable built environment



Ph.D. Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering | Purdue University – Dec 2024
Dissertation – Leveraging Lessons from Earth to Space: Failure Analysis Framework Based on the Notion of “Embedded Pathogens” for Designing and Building Safe Extraterrestrial Systems

M.S. Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering | Purdue University – May 2021
M.Eng. Architecture | The University of Tokyo – Mar 2019
B.Eng. Architecture | The University of Tokyo – Mar 2017


Value through Reliability, Safety, and Sustainability (VRSS) Lab | Purdue University
Postdoctoral Research Assistant (Autonomous Cargo Operations) – Oct 2024-Present
Doctoral Researcher (System Safety Research) – Sep 2022-Sep 2024
Teaching Assistant – Aug 2023-May 2024
Graduate Student – Oct 2019-Aug 2022
Resilient Extraterrestrial Habitat Institute (RETHi)
Graduate Researcher (Architectural Design) – Oct 2019-Sep 2024

Yashiro Lab | Institute of Industrial Science | The University of Tokyo
東京大学 生産技術研究所 野城研究室
Predoctoral Fellow (Memu Earth Lab) – Apr-Aug 2019
Master’s Student (Building Production Research) – Apr 2017-Mar 2019

Master’s thesis: Construction of built environments in extreme environments (An introductory study on the dynamics of environments)
Okabe Lab | Graduate School of Frontier Sciences | The University of Tokyo
東京大学 大学院新領域創成科学研究科 岡部研究室
Undergraduate Student (Urban Morphology) – Apr 2016-Mar 2017
Bachelor’s thesis: A study on the cause of texture expression on joint-exoskeletons of Homo sapiens

Takenaka Corporation Tokyo Main Office
Intern (Design Division) – Sep 2017
noiz architects
Intern (Design Assistant) – Jul-Aug 2017

XPLANE – Japanese Graduate Study Abroad Support Community [Japanese]
Director/Leadership Team, Podcast Director – Sep 2020-Present

Awards & Fellowships

Brian Mar Best Student Paper Award
INCOSE 32nd Annual International Symposium – Jun 2022
2nd Generation Member
Masason Foundation – Jul 2018-Present
First Prize, 4th Space Architecture Award Competition [Japanese]
TNL Japan – Dec 2017
Tatsuno Prize (First prize for the diploma design)
Department of Architecture, the University of Tokyo – Mar 2017
Chuta Ito Prize (Honorable mention for the bachelor’s thesis)
Department of Architecture, the University of Tokyo – Mar 2017

Publications & Presentations

Igarashi, T. and Marais, K. (Oct 2024) “Lessons from Earth for designing and building safe extraterrestrial systems” 75th International Astronautical Congress, Milan, Italy.
Igarashi, T. and Marais, K., (Sep 2024) “Accident modeling of Earth-based and space-based system failures and the underlying incubation process of accident pathogen propagations.” Purdue University Research Repository. doi:10.4231/Y5F2-TX31
Igarashi, T. and Marais, K., (Jul 2024) “What space architects can learn from system failure cases to make risk-conscious design decisions,” 53rd International Conference on Environmental Systems, Louisville, KY.
Igarashi, T. and Marais, K. (Jul 2024) “Lifecycle of accident pathogens: Common systemic factors in construction system accidents,” INCOSE 34th Annual International Symposium, Dublin, Ireland.
Igarashi, T. and Marais, K. (Jun 2022) “Construction system failures: Frame notation of project pathogens and their propagation across time and system hierarchy,” INCOSE 32nd Annual International Symposium, Detroit, MI.
Igarashi, T. and Marais, K. (Jan 2022) “Modeling extraterrestrial construction system failures: Lessons learned and a framework based on terrestrial construction,” 2022 AIAA SciTech Forum, San Diego, CA.

Igarashi, T. and Yashiro, T. (Aug 2019) “Construction in extreme environment: Definition of extremeness and parameter analysis of case projects,” Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2019 (SBE19), Tokyo, Japan.
Igarashi, T., Yashiro, T., Ozawa, K. and Morishita, Y. (Jun 2019) “The transfiguration in the ‘architecture’ of buildings: How could we design a ‘metabolic’ process model of building life processes for environmental adaptation?” CIB World Building Congress 2019, Hong Kong.
Igarashi, T. (Mar 2019) Construction of built environments in extreme environments (An introductory study on the dynamics of environments) [Japanese] (極限環境におけるbuilt environment の構築に関する研究:環境の動態に関する研究序説), Master’s Thesis, Department of Architecture, the University of Tokyo.
Igarashi, T. (Sep 2018) “Literature-based research on limiting conditions for construction in extreme environments [Japanese] (極限環境における建設の制約条件に関する文献調査研究)” Presented at the 2018 Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) Conference (日本建築学会大会), Sendai, Japan.
Igarashi, T. (Jul 2018) “Research on building construction technologies towards the construction of large-scale communities in extreme environments [Japanese] (極限環境における大規模コミュニティ建設のための建築生産技術に関する調査研究)” Presented at the AIJ 34th Building Production Symposium (建築生産シンポジウム), Tokyo, Japan.

Igarashi, T. (Mar 2017) A study on the cause of texture expression on joint-exoskeletons of Homo sapiens [Japanese] (ホモ・サピエンスの共有外骨格におけるテクスチャの発現に関する研究), Bachelor’s Thesis, Department of Architecture, the University of Tokyo.